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Teams QMS Extensions – QMS Chatting in Microsoft Teams

The adoption of Microsoft Teams has drastically increased the last 2 years, especially for video conference and instant discussion features. Chatting in Teams has become a new way of working, speeding up processes and reducing the number of emails.

At BPA, we invented a new way of using the QMS system by chatting in Microsoft Teams and move towards instant quality improvement, with BPA Teams QMS Extensions.

Teams QMS Card

Search and share a QMS procedure while chatting in Microsoft Teams (QMS Card).

Imagine asking your quality system while chatting in Teams and share QMS Cards with your colleagues including important procedures or quality events. Think about clicking a button in a QMS card to assign a task to a colleague, without leaving the chat box in Teams.

Moving your QMS activity flow to Teams is an innovative way of working and benefits are obvious:

  • Faster reactivity: thru instant notifications on any device
  • Quick task assignment: working in Teams allows the right members to take quick decisions, replacing personal emails by instant Teams notifications
  • Huge flexibility: reach the right people with the right content through instant discussions, make processes very agile, and replace cumbersome workflows
  • Modern: chatting is the new way of working

Teams QMS Extensions requires no additional Microsoft services and can be easily installed in your Microsoft 365 environment. It’s robust and secure, with no IT risk.

Stay tuned it comes soon !

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