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Preconfigured eSignature Workflows in BPAMedical365

Medical eSignature workflows

Prebuilt Power Automate workflow for document approval including eSignatures.

BPAMedical365 is a new preconfigured modern software for medical compliance to meet regulations, like ISO 13485. It’s running on any device with Teams and SharePoint in your secure Microsoft 365 environment.

More and more organizations are willing to leverage their existing Office 365 tools to manage quality and compliance. In this context, BPA has developed a ready-for-use software including prebuilt eSignature forms and automated workflows, ready to be installed in your environment.

Power Automate workflows have been designed to include generic business rules to match typical organizations’ needs. BPA’s eSignature component will check only authorized users can sign their specific work. Tools are very flexible to be adapted by functional persons.

Among prebuilt eSignature workflows included in BPAMedical365:

  • Compliance document approval and training
  • Technical file approval
  • Product approval
  • Nonconformities
  • Changes
  • Incidents
  • Audits
  • CAPA

Any paper signature can be easily digitalized with BPA’s intelligent forms, eSignature module, and Power Automate workflows.

Thanks to preconfigured modules to match ISO 13485, prebuilt workflows and eSignature capabilities, BPAMedical365 drastically simplifies your medical compliance journey.

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